Not everything in your home should be packed up in boxes to move to your new one. There are some things movers wont transport or move for you because rules and regulations forbid it. There are some things you should not try moving yourself, and some things you should not take with you at all for safety reasons.
Plants, food and animals are perishable items; they easily spoil, die or suffer damages if not specially cared for along the way.
Dispose of hazardous materials; we will not pack any items that would appear to be hazardous for your move. It is dangerous and illegal for movers to transport them. Give them away to local waste management center recycling company or family members depending on the item.
Items that cannot be packed or transported Overseas.
There are a few hazardous household items that cannot be packed or transported overseas. These items include anything that is flammable, corrosive, or explosive. Listed below are some items that typically need to be disposed of before your move date.
- Aerosols
- Ammonia
- Ammunition
- Car & Household Batteries
- Charcoal & Lighter Fluid
- Chemistry Sets
- Gasoline
- Kerosene
- Lamp Oil
- Cleaning Solutions & Solvents
- Fertilizer
- Fireworks
- Liquid Bleach
- Loaded Guns
- Motor Oil
- Nail Polish & Nail Polish Remover
- Paints & Paint Thinner
- Pesticides
- Poisons
- Pool Chemicals
- Propane Tanks
- Weed Killer